Studio Rizoma: our Hub in Palermo

Fondazione Studio Rizoma is an international hub advancing an independent cultural and social program while serving the wider development of its surrounding ecosystem, with a focus on the city of Palermo. Here you can read their self-description.

September 26, 2024

The artist Leila Bencharnia is playing at DJdesks in the nighttime and holds a scarve in her hands

Musical performance by Leila Bencharnia, 2021 © Studio Rizoma

Allianz Foundation Hubs are regional platforms from civil society, climate action and arts & culture. They form a European network working on solutions for the pressing societal questions of our times. To meet these challenges, new ways of exchange and cooperation are needed. And a shared vision.

What is your mission?

“Studio Rizoma operates from Sicily which is centre and periphery at once, in the middle of the Mediterranean and on the fringes of Europe. We are a transnational hub that tries to connect these histories and futures through a cultural and political program that involves artists, activists, thinkers and researchers from all over the globe.”

What are your projects?

“We have united our varied skill sets to construct a production platform allowing us to support local and international artists in realizing their projects and creating an original cultural program. This enlarges the local institutional infrastructure and creates a future-oriented discourse and experimental network regarding politics, the environment and culture in Sicily as a reference point for the world.”

A Picture of a roll up with the inscription "European Pavilion" is pictured. In the background a person is speeking.

The European Pavilon at the Between Land and Sea Festival 2021 © Studio Rizoma

two people are dancing so fast, that on the picture just fragments of the dancing persons are recognizable
People are sitting in a room and are talking to each other

Panel discussion at the Between Land and Sea Festival © Studio Rizoma

Who are the people of Rizoma and with whom do you work?

“We are a social and political collective with different professional backgrounds ranging from writers, curators, and political campaigners to producers and theatre makers. Following various interests, we collaborate with local and international actors–artists, thinkers, cultural institutions, activists, and civil society organizations–to create joint programs.”

Which expectations do you have towards the collaboration with the Allianz Foundation Hubs network?

“Exciting transnational cooperation projects that allow all of us to strengthen and, at the same time, question our positions to develop new ways of shaping a cultural and political dialogue!”

Two big billboaards are displaying pictures of a harbour and a person sitting in a rocky landscape

Installation view “DEAL” by Francesco Bellina, 2021 © Studio Rizoma

Pictures on metal rods are displayed in an exhibition

Installation view at the Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva, 2021 © Studio Rizoma

The photo looks from the top on two people sitting on a bench in front of their laptops and some equipment- In the background a movie is playing.

Between Land and Sea Palermo 2023 © Roberto Boccaccino

Ein Foto von Maja Göpel

Our new fellow Maja Göpel: more courage for a future-oriented transformation

Foto von Idil Baydar wie sie mit einem Duden im Arm eine Grimasse schneidet.

Our new fellow Idil Baydar: shatter the integration nightmare

Makan Fofana

Our new fellow Makan Fofana: the mastermind of Turfurism

Different videos are displayed at a wall in a dark room

Radical Ecology: Supporting climate justice through creative practice

Portrait of Magid Magid

Magid Magid reflects on: Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023

Four women are sitting in a park on a blanket and are watching and learning while one of them is showing them how to spin.

Four months in Tarabya

nothinghalf nothingwhole - Verdiana Albano

Exploring Afro-European Identities at Les Rencontres d’Arles 2024

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ASSEMBLED: Performance & Polling Booth of the Future

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ROSA on the move: A truckload of hope for women in crisis

Meet the Allianz Foundation Fellows

Two persons are sitting next to each other and are looking into the camera

The House of Traditional Medicine Ixchel