Ⓒ Kennedi Carter
Ⓒ Kennedi Carter
The Allianz Foundation aims to counteract any kind of social discrimination. We actively support cultural and social participation in order to achieve equal opportunities for everyone in Europe.
Societies can only truly flourish where values such as openness and diversity are defended. We advocate for those affected by structural discrimination – or whose commitment to human rights and free spaces is hampered.
This includes risktakers from civil society, from arts and culture, or from local communities. Activists for climate justice or LGBTQ+ rights. People or organizations in civil society that work against fundamental disadvantages and often go beyond conventional paradigms to find effective solutions for social justice.
Countless people and demographic groups in Europe are exposed to exclusion – due to their gender, sexual orientation, origins, religion, age, their socio-economic situation, or due to a mental or physical disability. They are often denied participation and opportunities for influence in relevant areas of societies. This applies all the more to people who, fleeing violence and hardship, seek protection and refuge in Europe.
Together with its partners, the Allianz Foundation is working to creating societal access in places where inequality is rampant.
We want for future generations to be able to live in societies where everyone is given a chance.
How does nightlife in Istanbul becomes an expression of identity and solidarity? In an interview, Yelta Köm and Ulya Soley reflect on their time as Tarabya fellows: from artistic research and publications to the “Sound Kitchen”. Find out what they experienced and how to apply for the fellowship.
+APPLICATION DEADLINE EXPIRED+ Allianz Foundation's 2025 funding program is now open for applications. We support initiatives with civil society, ecological, cultural and artistic backgrounds. We place a special emphasis on projects working at the intersection of these areas and pursuing systematic change.
The right to freedom of movement is essential for a generation of artists who had to relocate to Europe. Zad promotes the mobility of artists, individuals, and groups by offering financial support to showcase their work in new venues. This assistance can cover travel costs within their current country or across Europe. The program is open for applications year-round.
Twelve new projects in this year’s funding program – 'Fixing what's broken. Together!' – started in September. This season we are specifically supporting cooperation projects that address social divisions and ecological crises. Their work stands for solidarity, community spirit, and respect. Get to know the funded projects here.
What will narratives of post-migrant Muslim life in Europe look like if we choose new ways of thinking and stop (re)producing stereotypes? The participatory social media campaign #UnboxStories provides opportunities to answer that question.
The Secretary General of the German Section of Amnesty International in conversation with Esra Kücük, CEO of the Allianz Foundation, talking about freedom of civil society, the climate crisis as a human rights crisis, and solidarity with risktakers.
Risktakers are people and organizations who dare to commit to a world worth living in. They leave familiar paths and established ways of thinking to test new approaches for a sustainable future. On the occasion of the launch of the new Foundation, we asked some risktakers about their motivations and visions.
From eco-playwriting programs for Algerian students to building a climate justice network in Europe - Get to know our ten Climate Cultures grantees!
This is the fourth episode from the series of a visual podcast series on what it means to be young in Europe today: intimate stories from young Europeans across the continent. This is Mohamed's story, a young man living in limbo while trapped in a labyrinth of bureaucracy.
In 2017 the collective “WIR MACHEN DAS” (“We’ll Do It”) asked authors from areas of war and crisis seeking refuge in Germany what they wished for. The most common answer was that they wanted to continue writing. Weiter Schreiben makes that possible. And we like to present one such text here.
ReFOCUS Media Labs is creating a global network of media labs to equip asylum seekers and recognized refugees with modern media creation skills.
Since 2020, “drift-backs” have become routine practice. Vulnerable refugees are loaded onto life rafts with no engine and left to “drift” back toward Turkey. This practice is illegal and highly dangerous. Forensis published a year-long investigation into the practice in the form of a navigable, web-based map.