Talents for Tomorrow: Diversifying Foundations for Europe

The Allianz Foundation in Berlin and the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam are collaborating on a new Traineeship program focused on promoting and diversifying philanthropy with a European purpose. Throughout the 8-month pilot program, the Trainees will gain hands-on experience in one of the two Foundations.

April 20, 2024

A black hand is reaching out to touch water. One finger is closely to touch the water.

© Foto by Nick Moore on Unsplash

Here comes a traineeship for everyone who would like to learn more about culture, civil society, climate action, work in a foundation and experience Europe while contributing to shape its future.

The Allianz Foundation in Berlin and the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam are delighted to collaborate on a new Traineeship program focused on promoting and diversifying philanthropy with a European purpose. Throughout the 8-month pilot program, the Trainees will gain hands-on experience in one of the two Foundations that place Europe, its present and its future, at the core of their work. Building on new insights and experiences that the future Trainees will bring to our teams, Allianz Foundation and ECF hope to foster a richer and more inclusive perspective within the public role as foundations. 

Foundations in Europe account for approximately € 60 billion annually, therefore exerting great influence on societal developments. Yet, this sector remains slow to take on the diversity that makes up Europe today. This is especially notable when it comes to leadership positions. The Traineeship therefore seeks to provide an entry point to philanthropy that places mutual learning at its core, that is political, action-oriented and inclusive.

Trainees will spend eight months in either the Allianz Foundation or the European Cultural Foundation. Alongside daily responsibilities, they will have the chance to pursue their own project with continuous support from the respective Foundation's staff. Throughout the Traineeship, frequent exchanges with the other Trainee, working visits and training modules will contribute to their European work experience. Mentors and experts from civil society and philanthropy will further contribute to increase theoretical knowledge about philanthropic practices and their role in promoting diversity and equity.

Starting from November 2023, ECF and Allianz Foundation are now seeking two Trainees to be a part of the inaugural year of the Talents for Tomorrow Traineeship.

The Allianz Foundation and the European Cultural Foundation have outlined the fundamentals philanthropy with a European purpose here: “Imagine Philanthropy for Europe

More Information

Trainee Program open to expand!

The Allianz Foundation and the European Cultural Foundation are open to broaden the scope of the program partners and include additional European foundations with a similar vision to contribute to the program’s goals. Foundations that might be interested in taking part in this program, are invited to reach out to katrin.winkler@allianzfoundation.org.


The Allianz Foundation and the European Cultural Foundation are collaborating on a the Talents for Tomorrow Traineeship program.

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) was created in 1954 with the vision of a united Europe where citizens feel proudly European, a place where they can live, express themselves, work and dream freely, in diversity and harmony. Ever since ECF promotes a European sentiment through developing and supporting cultural initiatives that let us share, experience and imagine Europe. We believe our mission is as urgent as it was back then as there are still many challenges which divide Europe, cause polarization and bring about inequality. Culture has an important role to play here, helping to bridge these gaps, bringing people together, opening new ways, finding and imagining possibilities. We are a committed, ambitious, diverse, open international foundation with a strong network and long-standing reputation, working in partnership with actors across Europe.

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