Climate Cultures Call: Our Grantees

From eco-playwriting programs for Algerian students to building a climate justice network in Europe - Get to know our ten Climate Cultures grantees!

September 19, 2024

Pink Phone © Pixabay

Pink Phone © Pixabay

The Call

The Climate Cultures Call was a special call responding to urgent challenges at the interface of climate protection and social justice. We received a large number of inspiring project proposals from all over Europe and the Mediterranean that seek to build new alliances and inspire cultural change. The ten projects that stood out to us all contribute to a future shaped by a sustainable and equitable climate cultures. The project proposals were realized over the course of the years 2023 and 2024.

The Climate Cultures Grantees

Ein Foto von Maja Göpel

Our new fellow Maja Göpel: more courage for a future-oriented transformation

Foto von Idil Baydar wie sie mit einem Duden im Arm eine Grimasse schneidet.

Our new fellow Idil Baydar: shatter the integration nightmare

Makan Fofana

Our new fellow Makan Fofana: the mastermind of Turfurism

Different videos are displayed at a wall in a dark room

Radical Ecology: Supporting climate justice through creative practice

Portrait of Magid Magid

Magid Magid reflects on: Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023

Four women are sitting in a park on a blanket and are watching and learning while one of them is showing them how to spin.

Four months in Tarabya

nothinghalf nothingwhole - Verdiana Albano

Exploring Afro-European Identities at Les Rencontres d’Arles 2024

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ASSEMBLED: Performance & Polling Booth of the Future

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ROSA on the move: A truckload of hope for women in crisis

Meet the Allianz Foundation Fellows

Two persons are sitting next to each other and are looking into the camera

The House of Traditional Medicine Ixchel