In its Fellowship Program, the Allianz Foundation supports inspiring pioneers addressing the urgent challenges of our times in an ingenious and solution-oriented manner.
The program is aimed at people looking beyond the beaten path in the pursuit of new approaches to overcoming injustices. Whether in the context of their artistic work, their social engagement in civil society, their scholarly work – or at the intersection of these areas.
The Allianz Foundation usually funds the Fellows for a period of ten months. During their fellowship, they develop works of art, event formats, platforms, prototypes, new narratives and much more. The Fellows form a network across Europe that remains strong and grows beyond the support of individuals. Creative synergies emerge from the collaboration with other Allianz Foundation initiatives – like the Allianz Foundation Hubs.
The Fellows are partners with the Allianz Foundation in their efforts against nationalism and discrimination, for equal opportunities, open societies and an environment worth living in.
Our new fellow Idil Baydar: shatter the integration nightmare with critical questions & cutting edge humor. Idil Baydar, born in Celle, is one of the first Allianz Foundation Fellows.
Idil is a multidimensional and award-winning artist, living in Berlin, who initiates intersectional, anti-racist discourses with socio-critical art. She works with youth institutions, universities, theatres, media, authors, museums and other organizations. Here she answers our three questions.
Our new fellow Makan Fofana: the mastermind of Turfurism.
Makan Fofana – the minister of magic, as he describes himself – is one of our first Allianz Foundation Fellows. A native of a Parisian banlieue – a suburb in the periphery of the French capital city – Makan has been developing new ways of reinventing and re-enchanting neighborhoods generally considered as economically and socially deprived. Here he answers our three questions.
Our new fellow Maja Göpel: more courage for a future-oriented transformation.
Connecting brave knowledge and a courageous will: this is Maja Göpel’s intention as an Allianz Foundation Fellow. Maja is a political economist, transformation researcher, author, speaker, consultant, academic teacher und co-founder of Scientists4Future. Here she answers our three questions.
+Deadline already expired+ The Risktakers Fellowship aims to create spaces of hope and resilience while facing the multiple and complex crises of our time. This is why it supports individuals who meet these crises by developing ideas for desirable futures – in the digital space and beyond. Be it through activism, artistic work or civil society engagement. We are looking for ideas and approaches for equitable, inclusive and sustainable digital futures – for example, prototypes, artworks, activist campaigns or digital tools.
Apply now as a fellow and help shape new narratives and knowledge practices. Let’s dare to dream of fair and inclusive futures because, as Gloria Steinem said, “dreaming, after all, is a form of planning". This fellowship is a collaboration between SUPERRR LAB and Allianz Foundation. More information.
Risktakers Fellowship - Daring to shape new digital futures © Rainbow Unicorn Studio
Alban Genty © Marcel Wogram
Do you have any request regarding our fellows? Please contact Alban.
Alban Genty develops formats for the Allianz Foundation Fellows Program and is also responsible for the Risktakers Fellowship. He also works with funding projects in the field of European civil society dealing among others with issues of rule of law, independent journalism, and tech.
This text is written by our Allianz Foundation Fellow, Anuscheh Amir-Khalili. She shares insights from her travels as part of the fellowship and visits to her partner projects. Her second journey took her to Mexico, to the House of Ixchel—a place dedicated to traditional medicine and indigenous wisdom.
Our Allianz Foundation Fellow Anuscheh Amir-Khalili will be writing for us in the coming months. She will be reporting on her travels as part of the Fellowship and her visits to her partner projects. She starts with a report on ROSA, a self-organized NGO from Germany, that provides safe spaces for women on the move.