Chapter 01
The Allianz Umweltstiftung and the Allianz Kulturstiftung merged to form the Allianz Foundation. The new Foundation draws together and strengthens existing resources – and places the focus on better living conditions for future generations.
„Issues such as global and environmental public goods, biodiversity, climate and peacekeeping cannot be addressed without cooperation.“
In many respects, the Allianz Foundation itself also focuses on cooperation and finding new ways of working together. It emerged following the merger of the former Allianz Umweltstiftung and the Allianz Kulturstiftung in 2022 in response to the increased global challenges we face.
The two previous foundations were established to promote social cohesion in Europe and preserve a livable environment. The history of the Allianz Umweltstiftung goes back to 1989, and the Allianz Kulturstiftung was founded in 2000. Since then, the societal and environmental conditions have fundamentally changed. The window of opportunity in which we can curb global warming and its catastrophic consequences will soon be shutting. Growing nationalism the world over poses a threat to our world order that is founded on peace and cooperation. And, not least, war is again raging in Europe. Cohesion, solidarity and the associated individual liberties are being put to a severe test as a result.
We need to fundamentally realign our societies to be able to respond adequately to these challenges. We also need to realign the Allianz Foundation to be able to continue fulfilling our mission. With this joint approach, the Foundation seeks to contribute to cultural change – a mission that has only just begun and that we need to continue breathing life into throughout 2023, building on the two predecessor organizations’ wealth of experience.
Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy
Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Allianz Foundation Kuratoriums
The Allianz Foundation works at the intersection between the challenges our planet and thus humanity itself currently face. We are guided by the firm belief that open societies, social justice and a livable environment are mutually dependent and, as a result, call for more joined-up thinking. Only a holistic approach will be able to provide solutions that promote systemic change.
To achieve this we cooperate with committed individuals and organizations in the realms of civil society, art and culture, and climate action – Risktakers treading new paths to create better living conditions for future generations. The focus is on three strategic goals: To promote equal opportunities. To create open, diverse and resilient societies across Europe. To combat climate change and preserve biodiversity.
We have summarized these goals in the following three strategic areas:
For empowered people
For open societies
For a living planet
“We need young people to be decision makers so they are not just invited to share their opinion and leave the room but that people of all generations be in the room, determining major conversations.”Katz Laszlo, The Europeans, Grantee of Allianz Foundation
Katz Laszlo © private
The Allianz Foundation underwent a comprehensive strategy process to redefine its fields of action and align them in the face of current social developments – taking into account the experience gained and networks established by the Allianz Umweltstiftung and the Allianz Kulturstiftung.
The Allianz Foundation, a non-profit, private foundation under civil law, is legally domiciled in Munich. Its supervisory authority is the government of Upper Bavaria in Munich. The Foundation’s offices are in the Allianz Forum next to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
Allianz SE has been engaged in philanthropy for more than 30 years and supports projects in the realms of the environment, civil society, and art and culture through its foundations. Allianz Stiftung was founded in 1989 – on the 100th anniversary of the inception of the then Allianz AG – and endowed with capital of 100 million deutschmarks.
The Allianz Kulturstiftung was founded in 2000 with endowment capital of 50 million euros. The former Allianz Stiftung subsequently became the Allianz Umweltstiftung. The two foundations worked independently of each other, until they merged in 2022 under the umbrella of the Allianz Foundation. The Allianz Kulturstiftung is in liquidation.
The two predecessor organizations brought an endowment capital of 100 million euros to the new Foundation. The Allianz Foundation’s funding is drawn from the income that the endowment capital generates. Starting in 2022, it will receive an additional annual donation from Allianz SE of 5 million euros over a 10-year period. The Foundation can also draw on third-party funding from cooperations. The Allianz Foundation’s income totaled 8 million euros in 2022.
Endowment capital
Allianz SE donation
Total income from the foundations in 2022
The Allianz Foundation collaborated with kellerundlieder to design a new brand and corporate identity for the relaunch. Key elements are the word mark “Allianz Foundation”, the design mark and a reduced color palette. Different color schemes are assigned to the Foundation’s three sub-brands.
The design mark- an angle - is the core element of the Foundation’s corporate design. It symbolizes the merger between the Allianz Kulturstiftung and the Allianz Umweltstiftung. A new website, a new typeface and a uniform artistic pictorial language also form part of the relaunch.
The aim in creating a new corporate identity was to establish clear standards for uniform brand communications and thus to guarantee brand recognition. These standards create a clear framework for communication materials and content generation. The website lives by its fresh content and not by functioning as a repository for old posts. The focus is now much more on content.
The angle as a design mark
Chapter 02
On November 15, we made it official: The launch of the Allianz Foundation – the merger of the former Allianz Umweltstiftung und the Allianz Kulturstiftung - was announced on all media channels. The announcement reached our partners in civil society and the realms of environmental protection, art and culture as well as at the relevant stakeholders in NGOs, think tanks, in politics and business, and the European foundation landscape.
Besides launching the Allianz Foundation website in the new corporate design, a first funding call was launched, the Climate Culture Call. It clearly sets out the new Foundation’s strategic approach: working at the intersection between climate action, culture and social justice.
A launch event was held on 21 November 2022 in the Natural History Museum in Berlin that was attended by more than 300 of the Foundation’s partners and friends.
Following opening remarks by the Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature Olga Tokarczuk and Günther Thallinger, Member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE, guests were given a brief tour of the Allianz Foundation’s areas of activity, moderated by Esra Kücük, its CEO, in tandem with the conductor and Foundation partner Lefteris Veniadis. The art historian Bénédicte Savoy, the author Enis Maci and the Mayor of Wuppertal, Uwe Schneidewind, highlighted the Foundation’s three strategic goals – For empowered people. For open societies. For a living planet – through literary and discursive contributions. The event was artistically framed by a performance by the trio La Fleur, a sound installation by Kirsten Reese and musical interventions by the Trio Gabbeh.
People dancing in the Museum of Natural History during the launch event © Steffi Retti
Günther Thallinger from the Allianz SE Board of Management spoke introductory words on the merger of the two predecessor foundations at the launch event © Steffi Retti
The Trio Gabbeh framed the evening with musical performances © Steffi Retti
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, Mayor of the City of Wuppertal and member of the Board of Trustees, also set thematic accents, especially on the new strategic area Planet © Steffi Retti
The event concluded with an artistic intervention by the trio La Fleur © Steffi Retti
Allianz Foundation Hubs Network © Allianz Foundation
To mark the launch, the first three Allianz Foundation Hubs in Istanbul, Palermo and Prizren met for the first time and laid the foundation for cross-border exchange. All the attending project partners met ahead of the launch event, taking a step toward establishing a European network.
Up to the end of 2022 the Allianz Foundation’s flagship programs – Allianz Foundation Study, Allianz Foundation Fellows and Allianz Foundation Hubs – were comprehensively communicated and addressed in three themed weeks.
Portraits of and interviews with the Hubs in Istanbul, Palermo and Prizren and the Fellows Idil Baydar, Makan Fofana and Maja Göpel were published. The first report in the Allianz Foundation’s Study Series – the Risktaker Pulse – was published on 29 November. The Risktaker Fellows Call was launched in conjunction with SUPERRR Lab on 5 December. Finally, the Allianz Foundation’s first newsletter, published on 21 December, took stock of an eventful year.
Before the launch event numerous Foundation partners, Hubs teams and Fellows met for a networking gathering. Here in the center Allianz Foundation Fellow Makan Fofana © Steffi Retti
November 15th:
Publication Climate Cultures Call.
November 21th:
Allianz Foundation Launch Event
November 29th:
Publication of the Allianz Foundation Risktaker Pulse
December 6th:
Publication Ristakers Fellowship Call.
Claudia Roth © J. Konrad Schmidt
Julia Kloiber © Marzena Skubatz
Naziha Saeed @ Marcel Wogram
André Schmitz © Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Adrian Jankowski
Marcel Fratzscher © DIW Berlin B. Dietl
Ipek Ipecioglu © üzüm derin solak @uzumphoto
Chapter 03
The challenges arising from climate change and the threats that open, diverse societies face do not stop at national borders. That is why the Allianz Foundation is positioning itself more strongly within a European network of partners and funding projects. Europe is the basis and focus of our activities. But if we want to do justice to our values and our mission, then our responsibility must not stop at national borders. And so the Allianz Foundation also cooperates with people and organizations beyond Europe’s borders – especially in countries with politically and socially fragile systems in the Mediterranean region. In 2022 the Allianz Foundation and its funding partners were active in a total of 40 countries.
Spending on the purpose of the Foundation
In 2022, funding allocated to individual projects ranged between 8,000 and 125,000 euros.
The year was dominated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has already claimed countless lives, destroyed cultural organizations and institutions and played havoc with social systems. Under the Culture of Solidarity Fund set up in cooperation with the European Cultural Foundation we were able to provide emergency assistance on the ground. A series of cultural activities received generous donations. The Fund also enables initiatives to combat disinformation as well as to provide safe cultural spaces.
Funding volumes for the projects
The new Allianz Foundation’s funding program covers a broad range of topics and focuses on the strategic areas described in the previous chapter. The focus is on promoting equal opportunities (“For empowered people”), open, diverse and resilient societies in Europe (“For open societies”) and combating climate change and preserving biodiversity (“For a living planet”).
The WIR MACHEN DAS and “Weiter Schreiben” team
Project Partner of the Allianz Foundation
In future, the Allianz Foundation will be using its funds more in combination with those of its partner organizations so as to have a greater impact. In 2022, funding from the German Federal Foreign Office was used in conjunction with internal budgets to fund the “Berlin Correspondences” series and from the Stiftung Brandenburger Tor to fund the “Torschreiber” project.
The European Climate Hub also took up its work in our “Planet” strategic area. Together with the Climate Imperative Foundation, the Hub supports partner organizations that are contributing to the implementation of the European Green Deal and fighting the climate crisis. Their collective goal is to achieve the transition to a resource-efficient society and to ensure the transformation toward climate neutrality by 2050 while not losing sight of social justice and economic prosperity. The European Climate Hub’s civil society partners are involved in climate action work through driving forward concrete change on the ground, encouraging progressive voices and forging new European alliances.
Wärmepumpe © U. J. Alexander
A total of 60 funding projects, including smaller individual operational projects such as a discussion series, were supported in the reporting year 2022. All the funding projects of the previous Allianz Kulturstiftung and Allianz Umweltstiftung were fully supported and successfully completed until the end of the funding period. The volume of funding available to all projects totaled 3.6 million euros.
Projectname | Details | |||
Who is the contemporary Athenian? people | Details, Who is the contemporary Athenian? | |||
Fly With Me people | Details, Fly With Me | |||
Kompetenzzentrum Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus people | Details, Kompetenzzentrum Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus | |||
Outernational society | Details, Outernational | |||
Ländliche Produktivkräfte - Ein transnationales kollaboratives Village-Play society | Details, Ländliche Produktivkräfte - Ein transnationales kollaboratives Village-Play | |||
Architecture of a Ruined Body society | Details, Architecture of a Ruined Body | |||
Literature Without Borders society | Details, Literature Without Borders | |||
Planet Ears society | Details, Planet Ears | |||
Summoning our Communities: Private Retreats and Public Summons society | Details, Summoning our Communities: Private Retreats and Public Summons | |||
Voids society | Details, Voids | |||
Young Curators' Workshop - Berlin Biennale society | Details, Young Curators' Workshop - Berlin Biennale | |||
Europa Weiter Schreiben people | Details, Europa Weiter Schreiben | |||
Chios Music Festival society | Details, Chios Music Festival | |||
Syria Cultural Index society | Details, Syria Cultural Index | |||
CentrALT society | Details, CentrALT | |||
The Fellowship of Questions society | Details, The Fellowship of Questions | |||
DRIN - Visions for children's books society | Details, DRIN - Visions for children's books | |||
Minor Swing Kids society | Details, Minor Swing Kids | |||
Mobilistan society | Details, Mobilistan | |||
Festiwal Góry Literatury society | Details, Festiwal Góry Literatury | |||
Dream City Festival society | Details, Dream City Festival | |||
Europasinfonie society | Details, Europasinfonie | |||
Batailles des Rites society | Details, Batailles des Rites | |||
Food Culture Days planet | Details, Food Culture Days | |||
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis für Städte und Gemeinden planet | Details, Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis für Städte und Gemeinden | |||
Das ist der Gipfel im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden planet | Details, Das ist der Gipfel im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden | |||
Klimaschutz nebenan planet | Details, Klimaschutz nebenan | |||
Der Weg ist das Ziel im Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb planet | Details, Der Weg ist das Ziel im Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb | |||
Stadtbaumkampagne Stuttgart planet | Details, Stadtbaumkampagne Stuttgart | |||
Deutscher Klimapreis planet | Details, Deutscher Klimapreis | |||
The N.E.W. School (Namelesse Education Workspace) people | Details, The N.E.W. School (Namelesse Education Workspace) | |||
Refocus Media Labs people | Details, Refocus Media Labs | |||
JIK Academy for Euro-Postmigrant Narrative Campaigners people | Details, JIK Academy for Euro-Postmigrant Narrative Campaigners | |||
De Structura people | Details, De Structura | |||
Europe Talks society | Details, Europe Talks | |||
European Images society | Details, European Images | |||
This Is What A Generation Sounds Like - Podcast for the planet society | Details, This Is What A Generation Sounds Like - Podcast for the planet | |||
Lonely Nations society | Details, Lonely Nations | |||
What the Future Wants society | Details, What the Future Wants | |||
Between Land and Sea society | Details, Between Land and Sea | |||
Social Embodiment of Critical Culture society | Details, Social Embodiment of Critical Culture | |||
Art to Clim'Act society | Details, Art to Clim'Act | |||
Anti-Migrant Violence at the EU Borders society | Details, Anti-Migrant Violence at the EU Borders | |||
Culture of Solidarity Fund for Ukraine society | Details, Culture of Solidarity Fund for Ukraine | |||
Conference Mediendienst Integration - Communicating 2022 migration challenges: Prepare, Expect, Act society | Details, Conference Mediendienst Integration - Communicating 2022 migration challenges: Prepare, Expect, Act | |||
Smart Prisons society | Details, Smart Prisons | |||
Radical Rituals society | Details, Radical Rituals | |||
Emergency Exit - FreeSZFE society | Details, Emergency Exit - FreeSZFE | |||
Berliner Korrespondenzen: Break Up society | Details, Berliner Korrespondenzen: Break Up | |||
Songs of Wounding Solidarity Concert society | Details, Songs of Wounding Solidarity Concert | |||
Berliner Korrespondenzen Spezial: Feministische Außenpolitik society | Details, Berliner Korrespondenzen Spezial: Feministische Außenpolitik | |||
May Ayim Fonds people | Details, May Ayim Fonds | |||
Fixing What's Broken (Academy in Exile) society | Details, Fixing What's Broken (Academy in Exile) | |||
Yasar Kemal Symposium society | Details, Yasar Kemal Symposium | |||
Ic Ice Festival society | Details, Ic Ice Festival | |||
Operational Factography INSTAR at documenta 15 society | Details, Operational Factography INSTAR at documenta 15 | |||
European Climate Hub: Towards a decarbonized future planet | Details, European Climate Hub: Towards a decarbonized future | |||
Clean Cities Campaign planet | Details, Clean Cities Campaign | |||
Schlüsseltechnologie für Klimaschutz in Gebäuden: Die Wärmepumpe im Mehrfamilienhaus in der Praxis planet | planet | Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), Heat GmbH | The goal of the Schlüsseltechnologie für Klimaschutz in Gebäuden: Die Wärmepumpe im Mehrfamilienhaus in der Praxis (“Key Technolog... | Details, Schlüsseltechnologie für Klimaschutz in Gebäuden: Die Wärmepumpe im Mehrfamilienhaus in der Praxis |
Show more
In addition to its ongoing funding program, the Allianz Foundation regularly publishes special funding calls. A first specific funding call was the Climate Cultures Call. It ran from 15 November to 31 December 2022.
The Climate Cultures Call targets the intersection of climate action, culture and social justice. It addresses initiatives that focus on the link between global warming and the social climate and that draw impetus for developing new cultural practices and ways of thinking from that. The Call is prototypical for the new Allianz Foundation’s strategy of promoting cultural transformation through holistic approaches– a basic precondition for an effective response to the climate crisis.
Pink Phone © Pixabay
Despite the comparatively short application period, more than 300 inspiring project proposals from across Europe and the Mediterranean region were submitted. Ten projects were selected in spring 2023 and will be implemented in the course of 2023.
Katy Lee & Dominic Kraemer
The Europeans - a grant project of the Allianz Foundation.
Chapter 04
Expenditures for Flagship Programs
Chapter 05
The Allianz Foundation’s top priority is supporting projects and initiatives with a civil society, environmental, cultural and artistic background that are committed to working toward better living conditions for future generations. The Foundation’s team is responsible for identifying and promoting those initiatives and partner organizations that best fit our mission.
The program and project managers have access to extensive networks in the world of art and culture, in European civil society and within environmental and climate organizations. To ensure that the best benefit can be drawn from these networks and the experience to be gained from them, the team is divided into the sub-areas “Culture,” “Europe” and “Environment.” However, the boundaries between these areas are fluid, and the team actively identifies projects at the intersection between the strategic areas “For empowered people,” “For open societies” and “For a living planet.”
The Allianz Foundation attaches great importance to having a diverse team whose members have different qualifications, language skills and experience. We also draw on external experts for their technical and local knowledge, for example via the Allianz Foundation Hubs in various countries. For our Allianz Foundation Study program we drew on renowned experts from civil society, the world of art and culture, science and the media to form our Research Advisory Board.
Team members and project partners © Steffi Retti
2022 was dominated by strategic developments relating to the launch of the new Allianz Foundation and preparations for the merger between the two predecessor organizations. In total, the Foundation spent around 1.3 million euros on material costs and administrative personnel not directly allocated to funding or operative projects. Its administrative expense ratio was 21 per cent.
There was an additional approx. 333,000 euros in spending that was directly linked to the merger between the two predecessor organizations.
As at 31 December 2022, the Allianz Foundation had 21 members of staff, the majority of whom were recruited from the staff of the two previous foundations. These 21 posts equate to 17.3 full-time equivalents.
Full-time equivalents
Number of staff
Administrative expense ratio (minus special expenses)
Stepping up the pace toward carbon neutrality is one of the main focuses that the Allianz Foundation supports through its funding programs. And we strive to achieve that goal in our own work, too. That is why we started a sustainability initiative when the new Foundation was launched. Together with KlimAktiv, an external consultancy firm, we will, as a first step, record emissions from our energy consumption, business trips etc. After analyzing the data we will draw up a strategy for minimizing emissions and offsetting any residual emissions. This process is to be completed by the end of 2023.
Chapter 06
Esra Kücük is CEO of the Allianz Foundation. As Esra Kücük went on parental leave for six months in November 2022, the COO and an external expert (part-time) were appointed to the Executive Board as temporary deputies. Up until May 2023 the Executive Board thus comprised the following:
The Board of Trustees was newly assembled when the Allianz Foundation was established. As at the end of 2022 it comprised the following members:
The Board of Trustees meets twice a year. The new Board held its first meeting in November 2022.
The 2022 annual financial statements of the Allianz Kulturstiftung and the Allianz Foundation (formerly Allianz Umweltstiftung) were audited by RHS Rein Hambrecht Singer GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Munich, and endorsed with an unqualified audit certificate.
The Allianz Foundation cooperates with 2B Advice GmbH, Bonn, to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and to complete its tasks under Article 39 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).