Allianz Foundation Fellows Ausschreibung

+BEWERBUNGSFRIST ABGELAUFEN+ Wir suchen Künstler*innen, zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure, Wissenschaftler*innen, Journalist*innen, Menschenrechts- und Umweltaktivist*innen, die Wagnisse für eine lebenswerte Welt eingehen. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt!

26. Juli 2023

A man in a mass costume is standing on the street leaning at a wall

© William Andrew

The Fellows Program

+++Application deadline already expired+++ In ihrem Fellows Programm fördert die Allianz Foundation Künstler*innen, zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure, Wissenschaftler*innen, Journalist*innen, Menschenrechts- und Umweltaktivist*innen, die Wagnisse für eine lebenswerte Welt eingehen. Dabei verlassen sie tradierte Denkmuster und überschreiten die Grenzen hergebrachter Disziplinen, um Wege in eine nachhaltigere, gerechtere Zukunft zu erproben. 

Die vielfältigen Krisen unserer Zeit sind eng miteinander verwoben. Um ihnen zu begegnen, brauchen unsere Gesellschaften nachhaltige Veränderungsvorschläge und neue Denk- und Freiräume. Das Allianz Foundation Fellows Programm will einen Möglichkeitsraum für Menschen schaffen, die den gesellschaftlichen Status Quo reflektieren und tragfähige Ideen erproben. Sie ebnen den Weg für eine dringend notwendige Umgestaltung unserer Lebensstile, unserer Arbeits- und Produktionsweisen und unseres gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders. Dies kann im Kontext des künstlerischen Schaffens, zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen, publizistischer Aktivität oder wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens geschehen – oder an der Schnittstelle dieser Felder.

Die Herausforderung

Wie soll unsere gemeinsame Zukunft aussehen? Wie können wir mutig, kritisch und kreativ über gesellschaftliche Ungleichgewichte und ihre Ursachen nachdenken und Visionen für eine gerechte, ökologisch vernünftige und wirtschaftlich nachhaltige Zukunft entwickeln? Wie können wir der Zerstörung und grenzenlosen Ausbeutung unserer Umwelt, dem Aufstieg autoritärer Regime, sozialer Ungleichheit und intersektioneller Diskriminierung entgegentreten? Wie können wir durch Reflexion und mutige Praxen die Lücke zwischen Erkenntnis und Handeln schließen, und welche Rolle spielen dabei Werte wie Fürsorge, Solidarität und Zusammenarbeit?

Die Verortung

Das Allianz Foundation Fellows Programm verfolgt den Ansatz, dass die Förderung einzelner Personen wichtig ist, um engagierten Individuen Freiräume und Ressourcen zur Fortführung und Vertiefung ihrer Ideen und Arbeit zu ermöglichen. Zugleich richtet es sich an Menschen, die Machtstrukturen oder die herkömmliche Logik von „Leadership“ reflektieren und sich kritisch und (de)konstruktiv mit der damit einhergehenden Verantwortung auseinandersetzen. Von Neugierde, Offenheit und (Selbst-)Reflexion bewegt, sind sie offen für (interdisziplinäre) Zusammenarbeit, verstehen sich als Teil von Communities oder sozialen Bewegungen und verorten ihre Arbeit selbstkritisch innerhalb eines gesamtgesellschaftlichen Gefüges.

Im Zuge des Stipendiums entwickeln die Fellows Kunstwerke, Plattformen, Veranstaltungsformate, Prototypen, neue Narrative und Publikationen oder zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen und vieles mehr. Sie bilden ein europaweites Netzwerk, das auch über die individuelle Förderung hinaus Bestand hat und wächst. 

In Kürze

Was das Fellowship beinhaltet:

  • Gefördert werden 12 Fellows aus den Bereichen Kunst, Kultur, Zivilgesellschaft und Umweltschutz.
  • Sie erhalten ein Stipendium in Höhe von 25.000 €, das über einen Zeitraum von zehn Monaten in monatlichen Raten von 2.500 € ausgezahlt wird.
  • Darüber hinaus erhalten sie Zugang zu einem zusätzlichen Budget für stipendienbezogene Kosten wie Mentoring, Qualifizierung, Reisekosten und Community Flash Grants.
  • Sie profitieren von weiteren Programmen der Stiftung, wie den Allianz Foundation Hubs und Networking-Events.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Fellowship is aimed at people who critically reflect on the societal status quo with a variety of perspectives and test viable ideas to reconceive what is taken for granted in society.

They work in the following areas:

  • the support of marginalized people and the creation of equal opportunities
  • the promotion of open, diverse, and resilient societies
  • the fight against the climate crisis and the protection of a livable planet

Applications are accepted from artists, actors in civil society, scholars, journalists, human rights and environmental activists who are at least 18 years of age and are based primarily in Europe and the Mediterranean region.

The Fellowship is not conceived as a funding for studies, master, doctoral or habilitation projects. We do not support traditional research projects or the production of works of art unrelated to the thematic focus of the foundation.

Feel free to contact us at Fellows [at] if you are unsure of whether you fit our profile.

The application deadline for the Allianz Foundation Fellows Program is March 15, 2023, 11:59 p.m. CET.

Selected candidates will be notified in July 2023. All other applicants will be contacted via email by mid-August.

Funding will be awarded for ten months. The Fellowship will ideally begin sometime between September (at earliest) and November 2023. Starting at a later date may be possible for individual situations after consulting with the Foundation.

Fellows will be invited to a kick-off meeting in the fall of 2023.

There will be 12 Fellows who each receive funding for ten months.

You will receive a grant of €25,000*, which is divided into monthly installments of €2,500 over the course of ten months. This grant is intended to support you while you concentrate on your project.

You will be given access to an additional budget for fellowship-related expenses like mentoring, training, travel expenses. You can receive community flash grants for supporting an individual or group in your communities, collectives, or organizations.

As a Fellow, you will become part of the Allianz Foundation network, a devoted community of artists, actors from civil society, scholars, journalists, human rights and environmental activists in Europe and the Mediterranean. You will benefit from other Foundation programs including the Allianz Foundation Hubs and networking events. Through communication activities, we will also help you gain visibility for your ideas and projects.

The Fellowship takes the approach of being a flexible instrument to meet the needs of Fellows. We trust that you will use the Fellowship in a responsible and self-determined manner. The accompanying measures are agreed upon individually in consultation with the Allianz Foundation team. They offer Fellows the time and resources to not only focus on their projects in the context of their social engagement, scholarly or artistic work, but also further their education and to develop themselves in exchange with other Fellows.

*The following applies for grant holders who are required to pay taxes in Germany: The Foundation and the Fellowship conditions fulfill the requirements according to § 3 No. 44 EstG [German Income Tax Act], meaning the Fellowship can remain tax-free for the fellow, provided that he/she has German tax residency status and his/her personal tax circumstances do not disallow. The Fellow is responsible for determining his/her tax obligations.

We encourage applications with ideas or projects that are new or are already in progress. In your application, please explain how the Fellowship will help you in your current personal situation, your individual career or your specific project.

You can submit an application by March 15, 2023, 11:59 p.m. CET with the following documents:

  • a cover letter (max. 3 pages)
  • a CV including information on awards and grants (max. 2 pages)
  • work samples or portfolio (max. 10 A4 pages)

We ask you to refer to the following aspects in your cover letter:

  • What do you want to work on during your Fellowship and how does that fit into your career? Can you position yourself within a discipline, or in which topics or areas do you have experience or expertise?
  • What are your reflections on the idea of “leadership”? Which challenges and responsibilities do you connect with the role of individuals who want to bring about change?
  • Your vision: What future do you strive for? How does this relate to the challenges and crises of our present and future? How are you working towards this future with your ideas?

Please upload the application materials in two separate PDF files (cover letter and CV in the first file, the work samples or portfolio in a second file) using the application form here.

Please note that we cannot accept applications received after the deadline. If you have any problems with the application form or need assistance, please write to fellows [at] 

We value a mindful use of your resources. If you have suggestions on how we can improve and simplify the process in the future, we welcome sending your feedback to fellows [at]

If using your true name in the Allianz Foundation Fellows Program poses a risk to you, we can refrain from communicating publicly about an individual Fellow. You do need to disclose your information to the Foundation, which would keep it strictly confidential.

We ask you to submit your application in English or in German. You may use software to translate your application. We realize that English or German might not be your first language – for us, content is what matters when reviewing applications.

If you have problems translating your application, please contact us at fellows [at] and we will try to find a solution.

The Allianz Foundation team and a jury of experts select the Fellows using a multi-stage process; the final decision is made by the Board of Trustees.

The decision is based on criteria like the quality and originality of the projects, the correlation with the Foundation’s strategic goals, the relevance and urgency as well as the feasibility of the project, the inclusion of and/or collaboration with (underrepresented) communities, the reflection of social and structural inequalities, the considerations of leadership and the applicant’s own position (of power) and associated responsibility (etc.). Additionally, consideration is given to whether the project credibly and convincingly fits into the Fellow’s profile and career path.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide feedback on the contents of individual applications.

The Fellowship amounts are gross sums. Fellowship recipients are responsible for paying all applicable taxes, regardless of whether incurred in their country of origin, the country in which the Fellowship takes place, or in another country.

The following applies for grant holders who are required to pay taxes in Germany: The Foundation and the Fellowship conditions fulfill the requirements according to § 3 No. 44 EstG [German Income Tax Act], meaning the Fellowship can remain tax-free for the fellow, provided that he/she has German tax residency status and his/her personal tax circumstances do not disallow. The Fellow is responsible for determining his/her tax obligations.

Ein Foto von Maja Göpel

Unser neuer Fellow Maja Göpel: Mutiges Wissen und beherztes Wollen verbinden

Foto von Idil Baydar wie sie mit einem Duden im Arm eine Grimasse schneidet.

Unser neuer Fellow Idil Baydar: mit kritischen Fragen und Humor den Integrationsalptraum zerschlagen

Makan Fofana

Unser neuer Fellow Makan Fofana: Mastermind des Turfurism

Four women are sitting in a park on a blanket and are watching and learning while one of them is showing them how to spin.

Vier Monate in Tarabya

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ASSEMBLED: Performance & Wahllokal der Zukunft

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"On the Vastness of our Identities" – Fotoausstellung zu afro-europäischen Identitäten

Die Allianz Foundation Fellows 2023-2024