To mark the launch of the European Citizens' Initiative “HouseEurope!”, Architects for Future has conceived and designed the exhibition ‘FIX IT! UMBAU STATT ABRISS’ (German for ‘rebuilding instead of demolition’). As a pop-up exhibition, it will be touring all of Germany's federal states for a year. 16 successful examples from the conversion atlas of the Association of German Architects (BDA) show the diversity of small and large conversion projects throughout Germany and highlight the need to avoid demolition in our cities and towns. Local examples and regional variations in conversion practices will continually enrich the exhibition as it moves across the country.
From April 2025, excerpts from FIX IT! will complement the exhibition ‘DIE ABRISSFRAGE & POWER TO RENOVATION’. In June, the exhibition will move to the Architektur Galerie Berlin as part of the exhibition ‘DIE BAUWENDE IST WEIBLICH’, which will be presented by Architects for Future as part of the Women in Architecture Festival 2025.
By January 31, 2026, the goal is to gather 1.000.000 supporters from at least seven EU countries as part of the citizens' initiative. Signatures will be collected throughout the exhibition and online.