Annual Report Out Now!

We present the strategic direction and the results of our work in a comprehensive document for the first time.

January 22, 2024

“Philanthropy has the power to create spaces for people to meet and effect change. Spaces that are needed now more than ever. For cooperation. For understanding. For overcoming boundaries.”
Esra Kücük, CEO, Allianz Foundation

2022 was a year of new beginnings. In November we launched the Allianz Foundation – an independent non-profit organization that builds on past experience and forges a path to the future. The merger between the Allianz Umweltstiftung and the Allianz Kulturstiftung allows us to fulfil our mission even better: to enable better living conditions for future generations.

In our Annual Report 2022 we present the strategic direction and the results of our work in a comprehensive document for the first time:

  • We have positioned the Foundation at the intersection of our strategic areas People-Society-Planet
  • We have defined fields of action as the basis for our work
  • We have realigned the two previous foundations’ funding programs and developed our own new operative flagship programs
  • And we have set up the new organization to pursue our mission as effectively as possible

You will find detailed information and key figures on all these points in the annual report. In addition, we present an overview of all funding projects of the past year.

The results of our work will be exclusively available digitally – thus reducing our resource consumption and minimizing our carbon footprint.