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Learn more about country differences and the types of young adults who take civic action.

Explore the Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023: Scroll down to learn more about a specific country or the types of young adults who take civic action. And those who don’t.

Engagement Types

Who are the young adults taking civic action to address inequality, climate change and other pressing challenges? And who are the ones who do not?

Age, gender, education, income and other individual characteristics provide some insights into who is in which camp. However, even more so it is young adults’ individual political beliefs and their willingness to take risks that directly affect their civic action.


What do the six engagement types entail?

A mural with a face of a woman that has comic strips put over her face

Hesitant Progressives

In many ways, the Hesitant Progressives represent the classic moderate left.

A person is looking into a piece of a mirror that another hand with black gloves is holding

Quiet Mainstream

The Quiet Mainstream represent the so-called “silent majority” that many parties across Europe rely upon for support.

A man with a helmet that is filled with smoke

Passive Traditionalists

The Passive Traditionalists are the most rural segment, and the oldest on average.

A woman is lying on a couch with her face turned towards the cotton

Progressive Movers

The Progressive Movers are the youngest and most left-wing segment, as well as the segment with the highest overall level of civic engagement.

A woman hovers over waves and water

Proactive Center

The Proactive Center are the engaged fraction of the political mainstream. They are concerned about environmental issues, but less convinced regarding social justice issues.

A man with a bag on his head wears sunglasses

Conservative Campaigners

The Conservative Campaigners are the segment that identifies most strongly as right-wing.

A man on a bed with three arms and many plasters on his face
Country Report Germany

Germany in international comparison: How do future desires and expectations differ? 

As in other European countries, young adults in Germany have low trust in institutions, but it is still slightly higher than elsewhere. They put more emphasis on democratic institutions while economic anxiety is paired with mixed feelings about the climate. Individual action is their preferred means of civic engagement.  

Country overview

Low trust in institutions, but slightly higher than elsewhere.

A picture of a pretzel

Desired future

More emphasis on democratic institutions.

The German Bundestag

Expected future

Economic anxiety paired with mixed feelings about the climate.

Oil on water is creating a colorful picture.

Civic action

Individual actions preferred.

A finger with a sticker on the tip saying "I voted".

Six Types of young adults

Civic Action in Germany: get to know the six engagement types of young adults.

A man with a helmet that is filled with smoke
Country Report Greece

Greece in international comparison: How do young adults in Greece shape the future? What future do they expect?

Young adults in Greece show a lack of faith in the status quo. They put more emphasis on economic well-being, but not at the expense of fairness or the environment. Their expected future: economic decline and democratic backsliding. But they are ready to take collective civic action.  

Country overview

Attitude toward institutions: lack of faith in the status quo.

An pulpo on a line in a port in Greece

Desired future

Emphasis on economic well-being, but not at the expense of fairness or the environment.

Two people dancing on the streets

Expected future

Economic decline and democratic backsliding.

A writing on the wall says "Debt will tear us apart"

Civic action

Civic engagement: young adults in Greece are most likely to take collective action.

A person during a protest is covered by smoke

Six Types of young adults

Civic Action in Greece: get to know the six engagement types of young adults.

A man with a bag on his head wears sunglasses
Country Report Italy

Italian findings compared: Where are the similarities and differences?

Overall, the future outlooks and civic actions of young adults in Italy closely align with those of their peers in Germany, Greece, Poland and the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, there are a few areas in which young adults in Italy differ from those in the other countries surveyed.

Country overview

Future outlook: Pessimism runs deep.

three young women are standing in front of a sunny wall and are talking to each other

Desired future

More emphasis on climate action, but also economic growth.

A high tower building full of plants

Expected future

Economic bust and political incompetence.

A gate to the beach

Civic action

Slightly more interest in citizens’ initiatives.

Protest against fossile fules in Rome

Six Types of young adults

Civic action in Italy: get to know the six engagement types among young adults.

A woman hovers over waves and water
Country Report Poland

Polish differences: Find out where Poland's young adults differ from their European peers

Young adults in Poland are more conservative than the average, but with strong concerns about democracy. However, this does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with democratic backsliding. Young Poles are among the most convinced in the sample that strong democratic institutions are critical to a good life, as is an independent justice system or media.

Country overview

Political attitudes: more conservative than average, but with strong concern about democracy.

Many little polish swivel flags in the hand of a person

Desired future

More emphasis on economic growth and a strong military.

Tanker cars in front of a refinery

Expected future

More concern about the economy than the climate and poor overall outlook.

The palm tree of Warsaw in the middle of a roundabout

Civic action

Slightly more outspoken than the rest of the survey participants.

The coastline of Gdanks in poland. An industrial shimney smokes

Six types of young adults

Civic action in Poland: get to know the six engagement types among young adults.

A man on a bed with three arms and many plasters on his face
Country Report UK

UK in comparison: The most diverse of the five societies, but also the most inclusive?

Due to its ethnic and cultural diversity, UK respondents express relatively progressive attitudes toward migration. But does this also mean that they experience less discrimination? Explore more.

Country overview

More diverse, but not automatically more inclusive.

A sign stating Kebab Fish & Chips

Desired future

A stable economy, but less emphasis on democratic institutions - acknowledging the need for well-functioning health and social welfare systems.

A mural of a NHS worker with a Covid-mask on a wall in UK

Expected future

Economic anxiety, paired with some optimism about equality issues.

An nearly empty big fridge

Civic action

Less active, but also less afraid of taking risks.

A statute of Winston Churrchill in London. Beneath the statute a protest is taking place.

Six types of young adults

Civic action in the UK: get to know the six engagement types among young adults.

A woman is lying on a couch with her face turned towards the cotton