EUROPEAN IMAGES: Strengthening European Documentary Photography

We feature parts of the latest newsletter by EUROPEAN IMAGES, a project by n-ost, in collaboration with Athens Live (GR), Kajet (RO) and Pismo (PL) to strengthen documentary photography and photographers. The current issue deals with FOOD.

27. Juli 2023

Boiling Potatoes in a pot on a wooden fireplace in Idomeni

The refugee camp in Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border in 2016 © Florian Bachmeier / Idomeni

Project description


The project "EUROPEAN IMAGES" by n-ost connects documentary photographers from all parts of Europe with each other and with independent publishers in Greece, Romania and Poland, which are also project partners. This facilitates and promotes professional exchange. The result of the project is an European newsletter publication. You can subscribe here. The documentary images of the photographers involved are at the core of the publication. Documentary photography operates between journalistic and artistic engagement. The experienced editors of the project partners supervise the topic setting and the corresponding texts. The publication addresses both, a specialist audience and deliberately a broad public.

In addition, three public events organized by the project partners will take place. These events give interested members of the public the opportunity to get to know the project, the photographers and their core interests in regards to contents, but also facilitate a dialogue on eye-level. The project partners are:

Kajet Magazine is a publication project from Romania by Laura Naum and Petrică Mogoș. It deals with social and cultural issues of Eastern European identity. The print magazine is published bi-monthly in English. In addition, there is an online version and several other projects and publications.

AthensLive is a journalistic online platform from Athens, founded in 2015 to improve reporting in the wake of the refugee crisis. Angelos Angelos Christofilopoulos is a photographer and founding member, Sotiris Sideris is responsible for project organization and data journalism.

Pismo Magazine has been around since 2018 and it describes itself as an opinion magazine. It is published monthly in Polish and deals with social and cultural issues. Magdalena Kicińska is editor-in-chief and Karolina Mazurkiewicz is responsible for graphics and photography.

The Photographic Newsletter on European Matters #5/23: FOOD

We all need food. But eating does not merely entail a primitive action of devouring or consuming, of providing fuel for a body that would otherwise become evermore fatigued. Eating is not just physiological. It is social, personal, emotional, cultural and political.

As our planet’s population is growing while its resources are decreasing (after all, we should not be surprised that industrial and animal agriculture produce more than 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide emissions), we are faced with a pressing reminder: That we must act and come up with new solutions when it comes to the ways we produce and consume food. With a natural ecosystem that has become more fragile than ever, we might not have a choice but to embrace new experimental forms of growing and eating food.

Text by Laura from Kajet (Bucharest).

A person is standing in a room with lots of lamps and something that looks like tents to breed insects.


Scientists in Germany carry out tests to explore insects as an alternative source of protein. From the project Food Sync, which offers insights into the food tech industry in Europe © Ole Witt / Berlin.

Peeled Peaches are falling down a metal slide in a factory.


Pitted, peeled peaches on their way to the quality control point before being transformed into purée © Nicolò Panzeri.

Boiling Potatoes in a pot on a wooden fireplace in Idomeni


The refugee camp in Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border in 2016, where food came from aid organizations and villagers of Idomeni who brought groceries with them, such as a sack of potatoes. The refugees had to queue for hours every day to get food © Florian Bachmeier / Idomeni.

A person has her hands on the back and is trying to eat a fish on a stick and a rope only with the mouth. Next to the person is another person, doing the same.


Eating competition in northern France. The event often takes place during local celebrations where all the region’s inhabitants meet in a warm and welcoming atmosphere © 
Katherine Longly / Brussels.

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Nagybani, the biggest fresh vegetable and fruit market in Hungary, opened its gates in 1990. Since then, its size has tripled to 33 hectares. The buying and selling lasts until five o’clock in the morning, when the manufacturers drive home to continue working on their fields © Balint Hirling / Budapest.

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