ARCH+: Renegotiating the Future of Our Urban Space

The construction industry is one of the key contributors to the climate crisis. Although more and more is being built, many people can no longer afford housing or cultural spaces. Against this backdrop, our new funding project by ARCH+ shows what potential can be found in the transformation of existing buildings and the renegotiation of spaces.

September 26, 2024

A swimming pool on a roof in Sao Paulo is showing people swimming and resting at the pool on the top of the city

Paulo Mendes da Rocha and MMBB Architects: Sesc 24 de Maio, conversion of an office building in São Paulo © Ciro Miguel

Tomorrow Is Already Built

Project description

The construction industry is responsible for a large share of greenhouse gas emissions, resource extraction, and waste production, soil sealing and the loss of biodiversity. And although more and more is being built, many people can no longer afford spaces for housing or culture. Against this backdrop, the Allianz Foundation is funding the project Tomorrow Is Already Built: Renegotiating the Future of Our Urban Space, which demonstrates the social and ecological potential of the transformation of existing buildings and the renegotiation of spaces. The discursive-performative event program is a cooperation between the Berlin journal for architecture and urbanism ARCH+, the European Citizens' Initiative HouseEurope!, the Brussels architecture museum CIVA, the Munich activist group JustizzentrumErhalten/ AbbrechenAbbrechen, and the Munich PATHOS theater. Find out more about our funding partner ARCH+ here. Another cooperation partner is the Hans Sauer Stiftung.

Existing spaces should be used, renovated, adapted, or extended whenever and wherever possible. Repairing and maintaining existing buildings can sustainably create affordable spaces for living and culture. However, new construction is a very resource-intensive task. That is why the commitment to building transformation is an essential part of the work against the climate crisis and for a green and just transition.

The discursive-performative event program of Tomorrow Is Already Built lifts the topic of transforming existing spaces to the European level. Together, the project partners will stage a multi-part negotiation process consisting of workshops and a film screening to ‘gather evidence’, a conference with experts to ‘hear witnesses’, and a performative ‘negotiation’. The image of the negotiation argues that the speculative and climate-harmful handling of our built environments is a public matter that must be negotiable. 

“Wherever and whenever possible, existing spaces should be used, renovated, adapted, or extended.”
Daniel Kuhnert, ARCH+

Gathering evidence will consist of workshops on how to treat our built environment as well as a screening of The Demolition Drama by HouseEurope! so as to uncover arguments, narratives, and reservations, communicate them in an accessible way, and discuss them in a professional and public manner. The witness hearing will take place as a conference at the museum for architecture CIVA, inviting experts from all over Europe to exchange views on successful approaches as well as financial, legal, and architectural challenges for a spatial practice of repair and maintenance. The project will conclude with a public negotiation at the PATHOS theater, which will discuss the results in form of a performance; communicating the cautious handling of our built environment in a manner that is accessible and effective beyond a specialized audience.

A crowd of people in front of the installation VerhandelBar

With an artistic-architectural intervention, the VerhandelBar, ARCH+ recently joined forces with JustizzentrumErhalten/ AbbrechenAbbrechen and PointOfNoReturn as part of Public Art München to campaign for the preservation of the criminal justice center in Munich, which is threatened with demolition © Christin Büttner.